The Correct Answer is "b"

Here's a question I would like to ask my audience (yes, YOU!):
What is the purpose of life?
What reasons do we have to live? What exactly are we striving/trudging towards everyday? What's your motive for all your actions? What is it exactly that you want to do? Is there even a rational answer? Why? Why.... What is that you want in life?
Is it because you've been told to, and therefore will obligingly carry out this "task"? or perhaps it's because you don't want to let someone down? Do you go from one ultimatum to another without really knowing what is it that you want?
Is there even an answer?

I believe that life is a beautiful gift. A gift that is the first door that leads you to the Hall Way of Opportunities. If Life is a journey, then your raison d'etre is the search for what you want. You may not find it straight away; you may have thought you have found it, but realize that it is not yours. But you MUST keep on searching, because once you've given up searching, you're lost.

I'm not too sure what I'm getting at. But this is what's on my mind right now.
What do YOU think?
Comments?/Questions?/Small animal noises?
I think that sometimes people are searching for their own reason of existence and if we're not careful we get too caught up in what other people are doing with their own existence and we forget ours. When you fall asleep at night and you dream the dream that only you can.... Wake up and bring it to life then and only then can you truly have lived your own life. At least that's the way i see it. I realize my dream, getting there may take some time, some effort, and some sacrifice, but it's worth it.
the purpose of life is always so intangible... perhaps.. it may be brought into perspective by paying some attention to the notion of "after-life"?
do we live our complicated lives of achievements and struggles only to end up as
Is there a future for an existence without an after-life? what purpose can we strive for if there is no REAL future?
religion/spirituality attempts to give us the answer...
but with the myriad choices to pick from...
which holds the "truth"?
i think we'll only truly know the answer when our time is up...
a question i have asked myself many a time when there seemed to be no purpose. we probably will never know whether there is a purpose to life or not, or what that purpose is, so all we can do is simply live. but of course to live in a way so that other people, animals, plants also have a chance to live, which makes the "to simply live" not so simple.
maybe our purpose is just to be.
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